Participating site for proof-of-principle study in systemic sclerosis

Radboud university medical center (Radboudumc) is a leading Dutch academic centre for medical science, education and health care. The Radboudumc is located in the city of Nijmegen, in the eastern-central part of the Netherlands, as the teaching hospital affiliated with the Radboud University Nijmegen. The Radboudumc Rheumatology Department has performed research on systemic sclerosis since 1988. Being a national referral center, the Rheumatology center treats over one third of all Dutch SSc patients.



  • Center of expertise for SSc:
    >1200 SSc patients
  • Extensive biobank and data sets
  • Patient Reported Outcome Measures
  • Close collaboration with local labs


  • National referral center
  • Collaboration with >30 hospitals in the Netherlands

Madelon Vonk, MD, PhD
Associate professor systemic sclerosis & Principle Investigator TASER Study

  • Dutch key-opinion-leader on SSc
  • Scientific advisory Board Reuma Nederland
  • Treasurer of EUSTAR
  • Steering committee EU Reference Network on Connective Tissue & Musculoskeletal Diseases
  • Member EULAR committee for updating treatment recommendations for SSc
  • Author of groundbreaking papers on SSc (H-index 46)